Green Posole (Pozole Verde)

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March finds us still enduring (bravely…ahem, or kind of) wintry weather a month after Master Punxsutawney Phil made his predictions. I guess he was right. Again! Today is, therefore, a good day to have some delectable Green Posole (Pozole Verde).

We have been doing our fair share of “winter workouts”. By that I mean shoveling snow every day and trudging through knee-high snow. That has to count towards my daily cardio, right? It sure feels like it!

It will surely count toward calorie burn. Anyone who has ever shoveled show and tried to get from Point A to Point B though a snow drift will tell you!

So Green Posole (Pozole Verde), brace yourself because this cold and hangry crowd is headed your way.

Green Posole sauce, before cooking.

I have a preliminary clarification before we get into the thick of it: the only difference between “Posole” and “Pozole” is the spelling. I am guessing that because of the difference in phonetics between the “z” and the “s” the logical English choice of spelling would be the “s” to make it as close as the original pre-columbian word sound as possible.

Also, you might want to try our Red Chicken Pozole recipe!

Same sauce after cooking, notice how the color becomes more subdued.


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