Caldo de Olla

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It is a known fact that happiness is never complete and it is not forever either.  Although life can seem rosy, you learn in time that it resembles more a chiaroscuro in an Old Master painting. The quality and character of the masterpiece hinges upon the contrast between light and darkness. So it is in life, and we would be completely unable to appreciate joy if we had never experienced sorrow.

To express it in a much more familiar way, life is like a piano keyboard. Can’t make music unless you play the black keys along with the white ones.  Our existence is full of striking contrasts: summer vs. winter, night vs. day, jungle vs. desert.

I experienced grief and personal loss for the better part of 2018. I am not, however, one to dwell in sadness. I am fully convinced that happiness is a choice we make moment to moment. I still needed to stay away for a while to mourn the loss of two very dear friends.

Keeping busy helped; it is extremely cathartic.  And not to sound callous but food is a great source of solace too.  Like we say in Mexico: “Las penas con pan son menos” (Bread – and the implication is that food in general – eases your grief).

If you ever wanted to find the Mexican counterpart of the ultimate comfort American dish (pot roast) well, look no further because Caldo de Olla is it.

This Caldo de Olla will for sure help you get through metaphorical and literal rainy days alike because yes, there is comfort in food in the midst of the darkest days.

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